New year, New Job @ Xpirit Germany GmbH

Very warm welcome at the Xebia | Xpirit office in Hilversum (Netherlands) with Mike Kaufmann (CEO).

# Challenge Accepted πŸ’ͺ

Last autumn I made a big decision towards my next career step πŸͺœas an architect in the Microsoft Azure area. After 4 years at CANCOM GmbH, I got the chance to work for a great company 🏒 with the name Xebia | Xpirit. My former colleagues Mike Kaufmann (CEO), Thomas Tomow (COO) and Tobias Mackenroth (CMO) convinced me from the very first minute πŸ‘, that Xpirit Germany GmbH, with such a great mindset of engineering culture, innovation, authority, knowledge exchange and team spirit is the best place to enhance my technical skills regrading Microsoft Azure and pushing even further to cutting-edge cloud-native projects. Moreover, I can contribute with a lot of knowledge 🧠 to the growth of the team Germany‘ and create additional value for the company every day. The employees are really the heart πŸ’“of the company! It’s about creating an epic workplace, where people love doing their job. And this is something you notice from the very first day on. πŸ‘

Special thanks to all of my teammates in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and USA who gave me an easy and awesome start in this great company with a lot of innovative cloud projects. Looking forward to our next adventures in the Microsoft Azure field, especially with all the interesting customers and exiting conferences as a speaker πŸ“’. Xpirit is still growing, and we are always interested in experts joining our team. If you want to be a part of our great Xpirit family, please do not hesitate to contact me.

#AzureRocks 🀘 #LetsDoEpicShit πŸ’© #LoveYourJob πŸ’“ #CuttingEdgeTechnology πŸ’»

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